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Environmental Policy Statement

At Kenneth Bush we are proud of our long standing role in the King’s Lynn & West Norfolk area and that makes us conscious of our continuing responsibilities to reduce the impact that we have on the environment – this is the area that we are based, this is the area that our staff and clients live.

Our intention is to promote sustainability and environmental awareness at all levels of the Company so that all of our staff are involved.


2024 – What are we doing/What are we planning to do?


Energy management – switching off lights and printers, installing energy efficient bulbs, reducing the consumption of printer cartridges by centralising printing at both offices.

Waste management – we have recycling areas in both our offices which staff are encouraged to use. Where print cartridges are still in use (and there are issues relating to health which mean that it is occasionally not practical for staff to use the centralized printers) they are recycled.

Reduction in paper – the introduction of centralised printers has led to a reduction in the amount of paper having to be used and a corresponding reduction in paper costs. We have also encouraged the use of electronic paginated bundles.  Under consideration is to set target figures for use of paper to encourage awareness and responsibility amongst our staff. Going forward we recognise that we will need to look at a case management system as part of our long term goal of becoming paperless.

Reducing commuting by our staff– our intention is to join the access to cycle to work scheme so as to encourage the number of individuals who will be cycling to work.  There are appropriate facilities at both offices for bikes to be secure.

Travelling by clients/us – all key fee earners have appropriate tele and video conferencing facilities (Microsoft team/Zoom) so as to reduce business related travel.

Our garden – one of the distinct features of working at Kenneth Bush is our King Street Garden which we feel encourages bio-diversity in a relatively built up area.

Encouraging employees – our culture of openness with our staff allows them to take the initiative on ways of reducing our environmental impact.

Not standing still – we recognise that we need to look at other organisations and see if there are areas that we can improve on. Staff are encouraged to share any best practice ideas.