Friendly, approachable and always professional
Our dedicated and dynamic Personal Injury Team has considerable experience in both pursuing and defending personal injury claims.
Our Team undertakes all types of personal injury cases ranging in severity and complexity including but not limited to Industrial Injury and Disease Claims, Noise Induced Hearing Loss, Accidents Abroad, Accidents at Work, Highway Accidents (Trippers and Slippers), Occupiers Liability and Public Liability Claims, Animal Attacks and Road Traffic Accident claims.
Due to having access to the most up to date Case Management Software we can undertake high volume work to individual referrals.
Having acted for both Claimant and Defendants (insurance companies / local authorities) provides us with a useful insight into how both side deal with personal injury claims enabling us to pursue, or indeed defend you claim in the most effective and costs efficient manner.
Our Team can work for you under a No Win No Fee Agreement, Trade Union Funding, Legal Expenses or privately funded. The first appointment is free of charge and we offer home visits.
For more information about how we can help you click here
Our Personal Injury Team
Admitted in 2009, Rebecca is a Director and Solicitor responsible for leading our Personal Injury Team and our Divorce and Matrimonial Finance Team.
FAQs about Personal Injury
To see answers to some of the frequently asked questions that our personal injury department receives, such as can you take my case on a no win/no fee basis and how long do I have to bring a claim, please click here.